your chraniacs

Alison Stewart-1

Alison Stewart

Office Administrator: Houston

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about Alison

Alison Stewart was first introduced to the foodservice industry when she worked at Katz Deli in high school. Since then, she has dipped into various job functions including accounting, marketing, social media, and reception. Allison now provides office management and accounting support for Chrane! Another born and raised Houstonian, you already know her favorite sports team is *cough cough* the Astros! When Alison isn’t running around the Chrane Houston Office, you can find her at a local restaurant playing trivia while drinking Tito’s and soda with a lime. Her favorite place to vacation is New Orleans, yet another Chraniac-favorite experience. There, she enjoys walking the lively streets and tasting all the delicious food.


Hidden Talent: Can sing like a 1940s lounge singer

Famous Relative: Davey Crockett